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Who We Are

L. Jayson Carroll
B.S. Agricultural economics, Auburn University
Cumberland School of Law
L.L.M. Agricultural Law, University of Arkansas
Mary Katherine Carroll
B.S. Animal and Dairy Sciences,
Auburn University

NEACC School of Nursing

We have raised animals and grown home gardens since 1995.  After years of working as a nurse and observing the declining health of patients, the increase in auto-immune diseases and cancer, and personally having health issues, I began reading and researching the link between food and health. 


Beginning in 2019 we planted an orchard, started raising grass-fed beef, planted a garden, and began changing our diet.  Jayson’s background in agriculture, law, and understanding of agricultural policies led him towards research in organic, no-till methods of farming.  He began collecting wood chips from local cities and started our first no-till garden. 

Over the past four years our personal health has improved and our soil health has improved.  There is a remarkable connection between the health of our soil, the quality of our food, and our own health, especially that of our gut microbiome.  We are committed to improving our own health by improving our soil and cultivating healthy, pesticide-free, and chemical-free food. 


We look forward to sharing what we learn with others in our community and hope someone will find benefit in it, because we have found that

life is better in the thicket!

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